Sunday, March 29, 2009

A knoll just begging for a castle

I was driving along Boonville Road off off 128 - the wonderful winding road that leads from Cloverdale to the Mendocino coast - when I couldn't help noticing this perfect little knoll. In the Europe there would be a castle or old monastery on top, in Asia a temple of some sort, but in the new world there no historical lineage

Sea, Sand and Sun

Summer is almost here but don't let the bright sunlight fool you — it's still pretty cold out there. Too cold to spend much time outside the car — a strong icy wind was blowing off the Pacific. Well OK, maybe it wasn't that cold — probably in the low 50s (we're spoiled here in Northern California). It was warm enough to have the top down as I drove down the Sonoma coast on Sunday , but you had to be wrapped up well and have all the windows tightly shut.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A Question of Scale

I'm fascinated and intrigued by the old, deteriorating naval shipyard of Mare Island in the North bay. The once vast military base was decommissioned in the mid-90s, its rich collection of aging buildings and other structures gradually transferring to civilian uses.

This Giant crane doesn't look that old, and its size is truly impressive. When parked beneath it, the Smart feels like it's going to be crushed at the foot of one of those Imperial walkers in Emipire Strikes back. But this one seems pretty benign.